SAWYER® WATER Filter accessories

Micro Squeeze

Water Filtration System

$ 33.99 USD

Enjoy clean and safe drinking water wherever you roam with the ultra-compact, lightweight, reusable Sawyer Micro Squeeze Water Filtration System.

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Features & Specs
Filter Material:
0.1 Mikwòb Absoli Hollow Fiber Manbrrane
jiska 100,000 Galon
Liquid Volume:
8 inches
5 inches
2.5 inches
5.44 ounces
Shipping & Warranty
2-7 days depending on location. All products ship from Sawyer Headquarters in Safety Harbor, FL.
If at any point you are unhappy with a Sawyer product, email us at and we will replace the product or issue a full refund.
Rated up to 100,000 gallons by manufacturer

More About this Product

Deskripsyon pwodwi plen

Jwi dlo pwòp epi san danje pou bwè tout kote ou woule ak ultra-kontra enfòmèl ant, ki lejè, sawyer Micro Squeze Dlo Sistèm Filtraj - soti nan avantur bakkontri nan travay chak jou ak soti nan vwayaj domestik ak entènasyonal nan preparasyon ijans.

Avèk yon pwa total de 2 ons, sa a ti filtre adapte nan pla men ou. Pandan ke ti nan gwosè, pwisan Micro Squeze retire 99.9999% nan bakteri (salmonella, kolera, ak E. coli) ak 99.999% nan protozoa (cryptosporidium ak giardia) - depase rekòmandasyon EPA pou pousantaj retire. Mikwo eskalye a tou filtè soti 100% nan mikwoskòp.

Tache Micro peze nan pouse a enkli bwè, sèvi ak pay la enkli bwè dirèkteman nan sous dlo ou, konekte li nan twoub pake idratasyon (vann separeman), oswa vis li sou boutèy estanda jetab (28mm fil). Te fè nan yon materyèl fò, mou, enkli 32-ons (1-lit) Squeze Pouch karakteristik yon devine redesigned pou ranpli fasil ak estabilite. Pafè pou ajoute nan twous preparasyon katastwòf ou asire aksè a dlo pwòp pandan ijans yo, Mikwo Squeze a se gwo pou retire ajan patojèn danjere nan dlo rezidansyèl lè alèt bouyi yo bay.

Mikwo-fib ki itilize teknoloji absoli 0.1 mikwo-òganis filtre yon gwoup mikwo-fib ki itilize teknoloji menm jan an yo te jwenn nan dyaliz medikal. Kòm dlo pase nan mi yo bò tib yo, bakteri danjere ak protozoa yo bloke sou mi yo deyò pou ou ka gen konfyans dlo ou an sekirite pou bwè. Sawyer Mikwo Squeze dlo filtre se rated jiska 100,000 galon.

Chak mikwo squeze vini ak yon 32-ons pouse 32-ons pous, bwè pay, netwaye koupl, gaskèt rezèv, ak netwaye plonje. Sawyer endivivivyèlman tès chak ak chak Mikwo peze twa fwa nan estanda pèfòmans anvan anbalaj.

Twous gen ladan

• 1 Micro Squeeze Filter

• 1 Pouch

• 1 Cleaning Coupling

• A Backwashing Plunger

• 1 Drinking Straw

• 1 Spare Gasket

A black Sawyer micro squeeze water filter with a white cap

Product Benefits

Use Cases
Ideal for outdoor recreation, hiking, camping, scouting, domestic and international travel and emergency preparedness.

Attaches to included drinking pouch, standard disposable water bottles, hydration packs, or use the straw to drink directly from water source.

Reusable 0.1 micron absolute water filter produces clean water from freshwater lakes, rivers, streams, and residential faucets - no chemicals or batteries required.

Removal Rates
Removes 99.99999% of bacteria, such as salmonella, cholera, and E. Coli; removes 99.9999% of protozoa, such as giardia and cryptosporidium; also removes 100% of microplastics

Individually Tested 3 Times
Every Sawyer filter is performance tested three different times during the manufacturing process to ensure every Sawyer filter is 0.1 absolute micron and that no harmful pathogens can pass through the filter

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Sawyer Creole
Micro Squeeze
Micro Squeeze
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