MAP Entènasyonal voye founiti sekou bay Bahamas yo

Brunswick ki baze sou MAP Entènasyonal te voye pwovizyon sekou ak filtè dlo nan zòn nan Bahamas ki te devaste pa Siklòn Dorian e li te pare Jedi a pou ede siklòn nan ta dwe fè tè sou kòt Atlantik la.

Òganizasyon sekou kretyen ki pa Peye-yo te voye mwatye nan 5,000 twous sante dezas ki te anbake pou Bahamas yo ak 200 filtè dlo Sawyer, MAP te di nan yon deklarasyon prepare.

MAP ap voye tou twous sante dezas nan Kawolin disid ak North Carolina, kote Dorian espere gen enpak pi fò li pandan jou li yo mach moute lanmè Atlantik la apre mato Bahamas pou jou lè li te nan pi fò li yo.

Twous sante dezas yo bay founiti sante debaz yo, ki gen ladan bwòs dan, pansman, savon ak founiti premye èd debaz ki ede pwoteje viktim yo kont maladi pandan y ap anpeche maladi segondè ki ta ka fatal, MAP te di.

Li atik la plen pa Terry Dickson sou sit entènèt la Brunswick News isit la.


3 Desanm 2023

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Brunswick News

Medya Mansyone soti nan Nouvèl Brunswick

Pi bon sous ou pou nouvèl lokal nan Isles la Golden, depi 1902.

Eksplore Plis kontni

Medya Mansyone

Before setting foot in the outdoors, pre-treat your clothing (boots, socks, pants, shirts, jackets, etc), tent and other gear with permethrin - but do not put it on your skin!

Outdoor Element
Contributing Writers

Medya Mansyone

Our current favorite is the Sawyer Squeeze, which we highly recommend grabbing for your trip.

Dave Collins
Founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief

Medya Mansyone

[The Sawyer Squeeze] water filter system is the gold standard for many thru-hikers and backpackers across the globe.

Chris Carter
Senior Editor