10 Best Baby Bug Sprays, According to a Texas Mom Whose Been Keeping Swarms Away for 12+ Years

Living on the Texas Gulf Coast, my kids spend a ton of time outdoors — and almost always have to battle swarms of pesky insects while doing so. Between my oldest’s eczema and my youngest’s awful reaction to mosquito bites, I’ve tried and tested numerous bug sprays over the years to not only find repellents that are effective but also gentle on sensitive skin.

And, of course, I’ve found the best bug spray depends on your needs. For my family, natural options like Babyganics and Off! Botanicals have the least impact on eczema flare-ups but don’t ward off bugs as well as formulas featuring DEET (an active ingredient used to ward off biting pests and the diseases they carry) or picaridin (a kid-safe DEET alternative). That’s why, on hiking trips and excursions near our lake house where ticks and fleas are unavoidable, I’ll pull out a stronger, long-lasting bottle of Off! Deep Woods.

Continue reading to learn more, written by Ashley Jones.


March 11, 2025

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Ashley Jones

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Ashley Jones is a writer and editor with more than a decade of experience in digital media. As a freelance journalist with bylines across a range of online and print publications, she specializes in producing lifestyle, health and news content. When she’s not writing or reading, you can find her cheering on the Astros with her kids and husband.

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“It's not greasy, and absorbs really well. It also doesn't have a smell to it, which is nice,” adds Porter.

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