6 camping water filters to keep you hydrated in any clime and place

What’s the most important thing to pack when you step off for a hike, camping trip, or field exercise? Famed collegiate football player and hydration expert Robert Boucher Jr. will tell you it’s none other than high-quality H2O. Water might not always be the single most critical thing on your list, but it’s certainly near the top, so you better have plenty. Notice we said to have plenty – not to pack plenty – because water is also very heavy. If you want a gallon a day, that’s more than eight pounds you need to lug around, not to mention all those empty containers. You’re much better off packing a hydration bladder or water bottle and a water filter to turn every stream and lake into your own water fountain.

Being able to purify water on the go isn’t just a great way to reduce your pack’s weight: it’s a reliable, sustainable way to stay hydrated for as long as you need.

Sawyer Products mini water filtration system

Don’t let the Sawyer Products miniature filtration system’s size fool you; it just might be the last camping water filter you ever need. The filter weighs two ounces and fits in the palm of your hand. Either fill the bag with dirty water or attach the straw to drink right from the source. The enclosed hollow-fiber membrane is rated at 0.1 microns, making it almost completely effective at filtering out bacteria, protozoa, and cysts. Buy with confidence, knowing that every filter that leaves the factory is tested at three points in the manufacturing process for quality control. Each filter is disposable, but with a lifespan of an impressive 100,000 gallons, you’ll probably never need to replace it. Bottoms up!

Explore more about the types, key features, and benefits of water filters written by Scott Murdock here.


October 18, 2024

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Travay & objekti

Medya Mansyone soti nan Travay & objekti

Nouvèl, kilti, ak analiz pa ak pou kominote militè a. Pale avèk nou nan tips@taskandpurpose.com oswa glise nan DM nou yo.

Travay & objektif te lanse nan 2014 bay pèspektiv natif natal ak defavorize sou pwoblèm militè ak veteran nan epòk la pòs-9/11.

Sekirite Nasyonal manyen sou jis sou chak aspè nan sosyete Ameriken an, men twò souvan, moun ki pi responsab pou sekirite sa a jwenn stereotype, inyore, oswa mal reprezante pa medya yo. Piblikasyon dijital nou bay yon vwa nan manm sèvis yo, veteran yo, ak fanmi militè ki konnen pi byen pase nenpòt lòt moun ki enpak sou Lagè mondyal la sou laterè te fè sou peyi nou an.

Nou satisfè misyon nou atravè rapò envestigatif unapologetic, istwa rakonte, ak analiz de pwoblèm kiltirèl ak zafè aktyèl yo.

Ekip travay & apot veteran, manm fanmi militè yo, ak jounalis ki te kouvri lagè yo nan Irak ak Afganistan ka rakonte istwa kominote militè yo ak veteran yo - pa sèlman paske nou ap peye atansyon, men paske eksperyans pèsonèl nou yo ak eksperyans pwofesyonèl nou yo ak konfli nou.

Eksplore Plis kontni

Medya Mansyone

This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

Mia Wandl
Associate Producer

Medya Mansyone

Sawyer’s insect repellent is also very effective for ticks and biting flies, and it won’t damage gear or equipment.

Tori Peglar

Medya Mansyone

This repellent, made from 20% Picaridin, provides up to 14 hours of protection against mosquitoes and ticks, and up to 8 hours against biting flies, gnats, chiggers and sand flies.

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