"Aksè nan dlo potab se toujou yon enkyetid pou avantur. Sistèm nan Sawyer Squeze Filter System ($ 60) se yon altènatif nouvo akeyi nan yon jaden tipikman limite a tablèt iyòd, ponp filtre, oswa bon bouyi fin vye granmoun bouyi. Li enkli 12, 16, ak 32oz resipyan ki kapab bati pou kenbe dlo ki kontamine, ki se Lè sa a, netwaye pa peze li nan filtre a tache nan kansè ou nan chwa. Mèsi a yon bati nan pouse / rale boutèy, kanpè kapab tou san danje bwè dirèkteman nan filtè a (ki retire 99.9999% nan tout gen) oswa tache li nan boutèy plastik pi fil olye pou yo sak yo. Pwa ak espas yo se benefis prensipal yo nan konsepsyon entelijan sistèm lan, depi pous yo enkli pous yo fasil kolabore ak peze akote pa gen anyen. Evite disantri ak limyè anbalaj sanble tankou yon konbinezon genyen pou nou."

--Revizyon pa Ethan Dougherty sou Out 9, 2011 soti nan Gear Patrol


October 24, 2024

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Kovèti pou Patwouy

Medya Mansyone soti nan Patwouy Kovèti pou

Gear Patrol se yon piblikasyon vi ki baze nan Vil New York konsantre sou entèseksyon pwodwi ak pouswit lavi, te fonde an 2007.

Eksplore Plis kontni

Medya Mansyone

Sawyer’s donation of water filters represents a significant shift away from the cumbersome logistics of bottled water, offering a faster and more efficient solution.

John Dicuollo
Public Relations Director at Backbone Media

Medya Mansyone

Summer tick season used to be a problem only in the southern part of Ontario, but tick populations are moving north as the climate grows warmer.

TVO Jodi a
Medya Mansyone soti nan TVO Jodi a

Medya Mansyone

Mosquitos are nasty creatures. They bite, they transmit terrible diseases to people and pets, and from what I read, they have absolutely no redeeming value in the ecosystem.

Medya Mansyone soti nan ArcaMax