The Best Mosquito Repellents of 2024, Tested

Sa yo repouse pa pral kite marengwen yo souse plezi a soti nan sezon lete.

Ete se babekyou, vwayaj lapèch, ak imè a distenk segondè-tcheke nan yon marengwen zewo nan zòrèy ou. Lèt la ka detwi plezi ete ou ak konstan swatting ak gratèl la evantyèlman. Men, marengwen ka sove jou a. Pou ede ou jwenn pi bon marengwen pou bezwen ou yo, mwen teste yon pakèt moun sou yo nan marengwen-enfekte jwenn repouse ki efikas ak itilizatè zanmitay. Isit la yo se chwazi mwen:

To help you find the best mosquito repellent for your needs, I tested a bunch of them in my mosquito-infested woods to find repellents that are effective and user friendly. Here are my picks:

Pi bon an jeneral: Coleman Insect repouse SkinSmart

Pi bon pou lakou: Thermacell EX90

Best Bug Spray: Repel 100

Pi bon Losyon: Sawyer Picaridin Ensèk repouse Losyon

Pi bon pou trete rad: Sawyer Permethrin

Best Indoor Mosquito Trap: Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

Pi bon aparèy pòtab: MR450 blende Marengwen

Pi bon natirèl: Natirèl Murphy Lemon ekaliptis lwil il omwen Marengwen & tikè espre

Best for Skin: Lemongrass Farms TREK

Pi bon aparèy pou Sackpacking: Sackpacker Marsquito Repeller

Kontinye li plis sou marengwen yo divès kalite moustik isit la.


October 27, 2024

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