Èske ou bezwen marengwen nan Maldives?

Li posib pou kontra plizyè maladi marengwen ki fèt nan Maldives, ki gen ladan lafyèv deng ak zika, kidonk li se yon bon lide pou fè pou evite mòde tout kote sa posib. Ou ta dwe mete rad ak bon kouvèti manm epi sèvi ak yon ensèk serye. Dòmi anba net tout kote sa posib.

Èske marengwen yo pa bon nan maldiv?

Yo gaye plis maladi danjere pase nenpòt lòt espès li te ye. Pandan ke malarya trè estraòdinè nan Maldives yo, peyi a gen epidemi nan deng. Maladi sa a kapab kounye a anpeche pa nouvo metòd pou elimine popilasyon marengwen yo.

Aprann plis isit la.


October 27, 2024

Ekri pa
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Vwayaj pedya

Eksplore Plis kontni

Medya Mansyone

Sawyer’s donation of water filters represents a significant shift away from the cumbersome logistics of bottled water, offering a faster and more efficient solution.

John Dicuollo
Public Relations Director at Backbone Media

Medya Mansyone

Summer tick season used to be a problem only in the southern part of Ontario, but tick populations are moving north as the climate grows warmer.

TVO Jodi a
Medya Mansyone soti nan TVO Jodi a

Medya Mansyone

Mosquitos are nasty creatures. They bite, they transmit terrible diseases to people and pets, and from what I read, they have absolutely no redeeming value in the ecosystem.

Medya Mansyone soti nan ArcaMax