All About Dog Gear
Outfitting human hunters is only part of the equation outdoor retailers should consider. Almost as important is catering to their canine counterparts. After all, hunters love to spoil their bird dogs just as much or more than other pet owners. It’s not just about rewarding Fido for a great retrieve or point, either. Many of these items will help train hounds to be better hunters or keep them safe while they’re on the job. The end result is happier hunters of both the two- and four-legged variety.
RuffLand Kennels
A good kennel that keeps pooch confined, comfortable and safe is essential when traveling with a dog. RuffLand Kennels do all of that. These lightweight crates feature one-piece roto-molded construction that’s strong but has enough flex for protection in an accident. Features include two-way doors, generously vented sides, and dual grab handles. Best of all, they’re stackable for storage so they won’t take up excessive garage space when not in use.
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